The "Heaven" Crepe

by Sonya Urzua
(Santa Barbara,CA,U.S.A)

It's simple. Buy store bought pudding (Vanilla is my preference), spread it on your crepe, and then slice up some strawberries and layer them on top of pudding.

Take some crushed Pirouettes (rolled wafers with chocolate hazelnut filling) and sprinkle that over the strawberries. Roll up your crepe and you've got a piece of heaven !!! :)

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Feb 26, 2010
by: Ashley

Sonya, thanks for the scrumptious crepe filling idea. You have inspired me. A piece of heaven indeed!

I've been pondering on a new dessert crepe recipe and needed something "crunchy" for the topping. I actually have some leftover pirouettes from Christmas (never been opened) so I think I'll follow your example. Stay tuned!


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